»» Revised Certificate of Registration of Society

Ambala Mercy Home Society has been serving Orphan and destitute Children for last 14 Years and given shelter to 530 Children. We have been doing this service to these Children through the sacrificial giving’s of our kind donors.


Dr. Philip Lall Masih founder of Ambala Mercy Home Ambala cantt, has been in the Lord's ministry for more than two decades. While moving among the slam areas and home of the poor and needy. People preaching the gospel, Dr. Philip and his wife Mrs.Narinder Kaur were filled with compassion for them and were led by the Holy Spirit to establish an Ambala Mercy Home for such children at Ambala. Having no cash in hand any financial sopport they decided to work on "faith" trusting the Lord. 12th december 2005 by the grace of God the Ambala Mercy Home was establish at Ambala cantt.


Our living God the Almighty is great and he would not leave us in want. Since we have been working in faith, there have been times when there was no money even for our food and for our monthly Rent. But we have been raising required finance on loan either from the bank or local financiers. We are on our knees everyday before our Lord to provide the Needs of the Mercy Home. We are confident that we will never ever disappoint us for Aim in serve the needy children and not to live for money.

Our Vision

To see an Ambala Mercy Home building complex in Ambala serving the adjoining state, Planning Old age home, Widow center, Rehabilitation center, Adult education, Model School. So each child gets family love, Education, Healthy and Clean environment.

Our goal is to protect the children's safety, progress, Freedom, education and happiness.